R-Zentric X Peng P7
USD$ 2,699.00
R-Zentric XPeng P7 Aerokit
P/N: X RP7 2 REZ K999
Price: RMB 18,888
这是由全球知名电动汽车设计品牌Revozport推出的一款突破性产品。这款定制空气套件专为增强并赞美XPeng P7独特、运动的风格而设计,为这款中国创新电动汽车品牌增添了独特的触感。
XPeng P9 R-Zentric Aerokit包括:
- 前扰流器:前扰流器为您的XPeng P7增添了动感、大胆的美学效果。除了其引人注目的视觉吸引力外,它还增强了车辆的下压力,确保在高速行驶时具有更大的稳定性和控制性,符合XPeng品牌的运动和创新特性。
- 侧裙:侧裙使您的XPeng P7呈现出流线型的外观。它们增强了车辆的空气动力学性能,通过减少车底的气压,有助于提高稳定性和操控性。
- 后扩散器:后扩散器有效管理气流,减少阻力,增加稳定性。这个功能为您的XPeng P7的后部增添了运动感,完美符合品牌对性能和创新的关注。
- GT扰流板:GT扰流板是一种引人注目的添加,增强了XPeng P9的运动美学。它通过减少车尾的湍流,提高了车辆的空气动力学性能,支持XPeng品牌所知名的空气动力学效率。
Revozport的XPeng P7 R-Zentric Aerokit不仅仅是一次升级——它是一次转变。它体现了运动、创新XPeng品牌的实质,将美学增强与空气动力学性能融为一体。有了这个空气套件,您的XPeng P7成为了风格、速度和创新的无可争议的象征。用R-Zentric Aerokit的独特光芒体验新时代的中国电动汽车。
XPeng P7 R-Zentric Aerokit by Revozport
Introducing the XPeng P7 R-Zentric Aerokit, an innovative product from Revozport, a globally renowned EV design brand. This custom aerokit is specifically designed to enhance and compliment the unique, sporty style of the XPeng P7, adding a unique touch to this innovative Chinese EV brand.
The XPeng P7 R-Zentric Aerokit includes:
- Front Splitter: The front splitter adds a dynamic, bold aesthetic to your XPeng P7. Besides its striking visual appeal, it also enhances the vehicle’s downforce, ensuring greater stability and control at high speeds, in line with the sporty and innovative character of the XPeng brand.
- Side Skirts: The side skirts give your XPeng P7 a sleek, streamlined appearance. They enhance the vehicle’s aerodynamics by reducing air pressure underneath the car, contributing to improved stability and handling.
- Rear Diffuser: The rear diffuser efficiently manages the airflow, reduces drag, and increases stability. This feature adds a sporty touch to the rear of your XPeng P7, perfectly aligning with the brand’s focus on performance and innovation.
- GT Spoiler: The GT spoiler is a striking addition that enhances the sporty aesthetic of the XPeng P7. It improves the vehicle’s aerodynamics by reducing turbulence at the rear, supporting the aerodynamic efficiency that the XPeng brand is known for.
The XPeng P7 R-Zentric Aerokit by Revozport is not just an upgrade—it’s a transformation. It epitomizes the essence of the sporty, innovative XPeng brand, blending aesthetic enhancement with aerodynamic performance. With this aerokit, your XPeng P7 becomes an undeniable symbol of style, speed, and innovation. Experience the new era of Chinese EVs in a unique light with the R-Zentric Aerokit.